Saturday, June 23, 2012

Potato noodles

The texture of potatoes is very interesting because of the starch content, it is very soft when baked. Yet when we remove the starch from the potato, the texture is completely different, transforming itself from a mash like texture to a crunchy vegetable.

At the restaurant, we add potato noodles to the noodles for added crunch. Potatoes are shredded finely and then washed in water several times until the starch is removed.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Flavoured Sea Salt

One of the dishes customers love are the Chinese Wine Eggs. To enhance the flavour of these eggs, I added some orange peel sea salt to the eggs. While passing a Chinese candy shop, I tried some traditional sour plum and it struck me to try to make some sour plum sea salt to go with the eggs. This is the best pairing as traditionally Chinese Wine is drunk with a small piece of sour plum in the wine glass.